EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report (TE-SAT)

Reviewing the terrorism phenomenon


Europol’s annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) provides an overview of the terrorism phenomenon in the EU in a given year.

The fight against terrorism is a top priority for the EU and for Europol, and that means that EU TE-SAT is one of Europol’s most significant pieces of strategic analysis.

It offers law enforcement officials, policymakers and the general public facts and figures on terrorism in the EU, while also identifying developing trends in this crime area, based on information that Member States make available to Europol.

The report, which Europol has produced each year since 2007, charts the established and evolving drivers of terrorism. These drivers can:

  • change or vanish over time in response to political or socio-economic developments
  • merge with other ideologies or convictions
  • be the building blocks of new and sometimes very specific and highly individual motivations.

The EU TE-SAT is prepared by experts at Europol and is based on information provided and verified by EU Member States and by Europol’s partners. It also relies on quantitative and qualitative data that Eurojust and the Member States provide.


    • Law Enforcement
    • Publication
    • Statistics & Data
    • Trends and Routes