European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend report 2022 (TE-SAT)

  • TE-SAT cover

The annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) presents figures, major developments and trends pertaining to the terrorism situation in the EU in 2021. It is based on verified qualitative and quantitative data provided by Member States on terrorist attacks, arrests and court decisions issued for terrorist offences. It also includes valuable qualitative information and assessments from Europol’s partners that enrich the findings of the report, in order to reflect on developments beyond the EU that affect the security of the EU and its citizens. Although the primary scope of the TE-SAT is terrorism, the report also presents specific violent extremist incidents, acts and activities where relevant and available, as reported by Member States.

While providing the current situational picture of terrorism in the EU, the TE-SAT also highlights some of the challenges ahead. It informs policymakers, law enforcement staff and the wider public of developments related to terrorism, as well as forms of extremism that may influence or be connected to terrorism.

Cite this publication: Europol (2022), European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.


    • Report
    • EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report (Te-Sat)
  • Report
  • ISBN 978-92-95220-44-7 | ISSN 2363-0876 | DOI: 10.2813/467703 | QL-AJ-22-001-EN-N
    • Eurojust