Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Bǎlgariya) officially the Republic of Bulgaria is a member of the European Union since 1 January 2007. It is in southeastern Europe bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east.
Country Information
- Sofia
- 110,994 km2
- 7 153 784
Law Enforcement Agencies
International Operational Cooperation Directorate (IOCD)
The International Operational Cooperation Directorate is a structure of Ministry of Interior responsible for the organisation and coordination of the international exchange of operational information, for coordination and guidance of the international operational cooperation and for carrying out extradition, delivery and transfer of persons. The "International Operational Cooperation" Directorate shall be the national contact point in the context of the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL), of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL), of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) and the Schengen Information System (SIS), and shall fulfill the commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria as the Interpol National Central Bureau, the Europol National Unit, the ETIAS National Unit and the SIRENE Bureau.
- Bulgaria, Sofia 1233, ”Knyaginya Maria Luiza” Blvd. № 114b
- E-mail: ncb@mvr.bg
- Telephone: +359 2 982 4351, + 359 2 982 4368, факс + 359 2 980 4047.
General Directorate Combating Organised Crime (GDCOC)
General Directorate Combating Organised Crime is a national specialized structure for realization of the activities under Art. 6 from the Ministry of Interior Act, Para 1, Items 1 - 3, 6 - 9 in relation to organised criminal activities of local and transnational criminal structures, related to:
- Customs regime, monetary, tax and insurance system;
- Narcotic substances, their analogues and precursors;
- (suppl. - SG 19/24) Computer crimes or crimes committed in or through computer networks and systems, including crimes against the person’s sexual integrity, committed against minors and under-aged persons through the use of information or communication technology;
- Intellectual property;
- Fake or forged monetary units, payment instruments and official documents;
- (suppl. - SG 81/16, in force from 01.01.2017) Human trafficking, smuggling across the country's border to individuals or groups of people, and helping foreigners to reside or pass into the country;
- Traffic of cultural valuable items;
- Firearms, explosives, chemical, biological or other generally dangerous means, as well as with dual use arms, devices and technologies;
- Corruption in the state authorities;
- Terrorist activities, use of generally dangerous means and substances, instilling fear, taking of hostages, abduction of persons for material gain and forceful actions;
- Money laundering and hazard;
- Conclusion of disadvantageous contracts, money laundering and benefitting of European Union funds by fraud.
- Bulgaria, Sofia, 1784, “Tsarigradsko shoes” Blvd. № 133А
- E-mail: gdbop@mvr.bg
- Telephone + 359 2 982 83 63.
General Directorate National Police (GDNP)
The General Directorate National Police is a national specialized structure for realization of the following activities:
- Counteraction to crimes against persons;
- Juvenile delinquency;
- Counteraction to crimes against property committed through violence;
- Counteraction to drug-related crimes;
- Counteraction to crimes against property;
- Counteraction against crimes related to vehicles;
- Counteraction to crimes related to illegal migration;
- Tracing of persons;
- Counteraction to crimes related to cultural activities.
GDNP prevent, counteract and disclose crimes; organize and carry out searches of persons and objects and identification of bodies and individuals; operate places of detention , ensure public order, carry out activities on recovery and protection of public order at mass events, including sport ones, at riots and crises of a different nature; operate on security, including the use of security alarm guarded objects; carry out activities on protection of objects, events, special cargo, dangerous cargo and valuables within the country; participate in police operations and in the counteraction of terrorist acts; organize, control and carry out piloting and support of officials and delegations; escorting persons in the country and abroad, monitor compliance with Road Traffic Act, etc.
- Bulgaria, Sofia, 1715, “Aleksandar Malinov” Blvd. № 1
- E-mail: gdnp@mvr.bg
- Telephone + 359 2 982 88 60.
General Directorate Border Police (GDBP)
General Directorate Border Police is a national specialized structure to carry out the activities under Art. 6 from the Ministry of Interior Act, Para 1, Items 1 – 3, 6 – 9 in the border zone, in the zones of the border check points, international airports and ports, in the internal sea waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the Bulgarian part of the River Danube and the other border rivers and waters. Border Police General Directorate (BPGD) authorities shall carry out their operational duties in conducting operative-search and investigation of crimes throughout the country’s territory. General Directorate "Border Police" provides technical service and maintenance of constant airworthiness of aircraft used for border control.
- Bulgaria, Sofia 1202, ”Knyaginya Maria Luiza” Blvd. № 46
- E-mail: gdgp@mvr.bg
- Telephone: + 359 2 982 53 90, + 359 2 988 58 67
National Customs Agency
The National Customs Agency is an executive agency within the structure of the Ministry of Finance. The main tasks of the Customs Agency are related to:
- Administration of revenues from customs duties, VAT on imports and excise duties;
- Detection and prevention of violations and crimes related to smuggling from third countries, drug trafficking, violations in the import and production, storage, transportation and trade of excisable goods;
- Development of the infrastructure of border checkpoints;
- Realization of goods confiscated in favor of the state as a result of proceedings conducted by the Customs Agency.
The National Customs Agency fulfills its mission to protect society, the environment and the economy of the country and the EU, to ensure the uniform application of rules at the EU's external borders, to facilitate international trade through intelligent and risk-based supervision of global supply chains, to be proactive and work seamlessly with stakeholders, to engage in innovation and sustainable development - this is the role of the Bulgarian customs administration in the current conditions of high economic, health and social uncertainty.
The National Customs Agency's goal is to build an efficient Bulgarian Customs administration, integrated with the EU Customs authorities and distinguished by a high degree of interoperability with other border authorities and systems, as well as with law enforcement authorities in Bulgaria and the EU.
The most important directorate with law enforcement functions within the Agency is the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate, which organizes, coordinates, manages and controls all activities related to:- Countering customs, currency and excise violations/crimes;
- Illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and precursors;
- Countering the smuggling of weapons and dual-use items and technologies;
- Control over the transfer of money in cash across the country's border;
- Countering the trafficking of goods infringing intellectual property rights;
- Countering the illegal trafficking of waste, movable cultural property and protected species of wild flora and fauna;
- Countering violations of European Union legislation assigning control functions to customs authorities;
- Establishing administrative violations and imposing administrative penalties;
- Using specialized technical equipment and technical means with sources of ionizing radiation for the purposes of customs control;
- Exchanging information to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism, within the competence of customs authorities;
- Storing and destroying narcotic drugs seized by customs and police authorities.
- Bulgaria, Sofia 1202, ”Georgi S. Rakovski“ Str. № 47
- E-mail: delovodstvo@customs.bg
- Telephone: +359 2 9859 45 25, +359 2 9859 41 13.
State Agency for National Security
State Agency for National Security is a specialized body under the Council of Ministers for implementation of the national security policy protection. The mission of the Agency is to monitor, detect, counteract, prevent and neutralize plotted, prepared or perpetrated encroachments against national interests, independence or sovereignty of the Republic of Bulgaria, the territorial integrity, the constitutional order established in this country and the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, democratic functioning of the state and civil institutions and the established constitutional public order. The Agency performs tasks of surveillance, detection, counteraction and prevention of:
- Intelligence gathering on behalf of foreign hostile forces;
- Endangerment of the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the State and the unity of the Nation;
- Unconstitutional activities;
- Use of force, or of items of a generally hazardous nature, to political ends;
- Risks and threats to the economic and financial security of the State;
- Risks and threats to the environmental security of the State;
- Disruption of the proper functioning of the National System for the Protection of Classified Information;
- Endangerment of the security of facilities or activities of a strategic nature;
- Actions having a disruptive effect on communication and information systems;
- International terrorism and extremism and their financing;
- International trade in weapons or in dual-use products or technologies, as well as the manufacture, storage, distribution and use of weapons of mass destruction;
- Actions of groups or persons in support of alien services, terrorist or extremist organizations;
- Risks and threats related to the migration.
The Agency is National Cryptographic Security Authority, National Authority for Communication and Information System Security Accreditation and National TEMPEST Authority.
To ensure the fulfilment of the SANS legal tasks there are embedded the following national structures in the Agency:- Awareness Raising Unit (awareness@dans.bg);
- Financial Intelligence Unit (fid@dans.bg);
- National Counterterrorism Center (signals.nctc@dans.bg);
- National Counter Proliferation Coordination Center (ncccp@dans.bg);
- National PNR Unit (bgpiu@piu.bg);
- Center for Monitoring and responding to cyber incidents with strong harming effect on communication and information systems of strategic facilities and activities (incident_report@soc.nssa.gov.bg; contact@soc.nssa.gov.bg)
According to the national legal framework the Agency does not exercise police powers.
Website: www.dans.bg
- Bulgaria, Sofia 1407, “Cherni vrah” Blvd. № 45
- E-mail: dans@dans.bg
- Telephone: +359 2 963 21 88, +359 2 814 74 41.