
Romania (Romanian: România) is a member of the European Union since 1 January 2007. It is in Southeast Europe bordered by the Black Sea, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Moldova.


Country Information

  • Bucharest
  • 238,390 km2
  • 22.3 million

Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Customs National Authority (Direcția Generală a Vămilor)

    The Customs National Authority falls under the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, which is part of the Ministry of Finance. It has a staff of more than 3,000 customs officers, who operate at central, regional and local levels. With Romania’s accession to the European Union, the National Customs Authority’s mission is to put in place measures aimed, in particular, at:

    • protecting the financial interests of the EU and its Member States;
    • protecting the EU from unfair and illegal trade while supporting legitimate business activity;
    • ensuring the security and safety of the Union and its residents, and the protection of the environment, where appropriate in close cooperation with other authorities;
    • maintaining a proper balance between customs controls and the facilitation of legitimate trade.


    Contact Details

  • General Inspectorate of the Romanian Border Police (Romania)

    General Inspectorate of the Romanian Border Police (Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei de Frontieră)

    The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Border Police is a special state institution that falls under the Ministry of Administration and the Interior. Its tasks include surveillance and control of movements across the state border, prevention and fighting illegal migration and cross-border crime within its area of competence, enforcing compliance with the judicial regime governing the state border, passport regulations and the rules applying to foreigners, protecting the interests of the Romanian state on the lower Danube and the Sulina Canal outside the border area, keeping public order and peace in its area of competence. The Border Police is responsible for approximately 3,150 km of borders, which presents it permanently with a wide variety of problems relating to illegal cross-border activities. These include illegal migration, trafficking in drugs, guns and stolen cars, and smuggling in all its forms.

  • General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (Romania)

    General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române)

    The Romanian Police, which falls under the Ministry of Administration and the Interior, is one of the most important institutions involved in carrying out justice. Its strategic objectives are to complete the reforms relating to Romania’s negotiations with the European Union and establish a police institution which is based on modern and democratic principles and serves the public. For the coming period, the Romanian Police has set a number of strategic priorities which basically determine the management of police activity at all levels:

    • public safety: this is oriented towards protecting the individual, but also the public as a whole. It also includes traffic and transport safety;
    • preventing and fighting organised and trans-border crime: this includes drug trafficking, cyber-crime, trafficking in human beings and itinerary criminality;
    • ensuring a safe business environment: this entails targeting threats generating economic crimes, not only with a direct impact on the national budget, but also on the domestic and international business environment.

    Contact Details

    • 021/208.25.25
  • Romanian Gendarmerie (Jandarmeria Română)

    The Romanian Gendarmerie is a special institution of the state with military status, falling under the Ministry of Administration and the Interior. Its tasks include:

    • protecting public order and safety, citizens’ rights and fundamental liberties, and public and private property;
    • preventing and detecting crimes and other infringements of laws;
    • protecting the state’s fundamental institutions and countering terrorist acts.

    The Gendarmerie performs its activities in the interests of the public and the community, in support of state institutions, exclusively on the basis of law enforcement. They include maintaining public order during meetings, marches, demonstrations, processions, strike pickets, promotional and commercial activities, cultural-artistic, sports, religious and commemorative events and other similar activities carried out in public areas and involving large numbers of people.

    Contact Details

    • 021.409.65.34
    • 021.319.80.39
    • 021.409.60.26
    • 021.409.60.28
  • Romanian Intelligence Service (Serviciul Român De Informaţii)

    The Romanian Intelligence Service gathers and makes effective use of national security-related intelligence. It operates mainly within Romanian territory but also outside the national borders, in cooperation with other institutions with responsibilities in the field of monitoring and preventing cross-border threats. The Intelligence Service has no authority to conduct criminal prosecution. The Intelligence Service provides a specialised framework for monitoring all critical developments and threats to Romania’s national security. In 2001 the Service was appointed the National Anti-Terrorist Authority. The General Directorate for the Prevention and Countering of Terrorism is a central intelligence-operational unit responsible for planning, organising and performing activities to prevent, identify, neutralise and eliminate security risks and threat factors relating to terrorist acts. The Antiterrorist Brigade provides counter-terrorist protection and intervention aimed at preventing, neutralising and eliminating all terrorist operations in the country. In the event of a terrorist crisis, the Antiterrorist Operative Coordination Centre provides logistic and operational support to the National Antiterrorist Operation Centre, which is part of the national crisis management mechanism.