Successful police cooperation in fight against illegal timber trade
Law enforcement authorities from the EU, Brazil, Costa Rica and Panama teamed up in an international operation against environmental crime
From 13 to 17 November 2023, Europol coordinated an international operation against illegal timber trade, which involved law enforcement authorities from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Brazillian authorities were also involved, as well as law enforcement from Costa Rica and Panama, who joined this reoccurring operation for the first time in 2023. The actions targeted environmental crime, illegal logging, smuggling, document fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.
The operation led to:
- 226 inspections
- Seizures include: timber from Myanmar with an estimated value of EUR 12 000; Brazilian timber - equivalent to 2 maritime containers - with an estimated value of EUR 67 000
- 1 criminal investigation initiated.
A lucrative practice with pernicious effects on climate
Illegal timber trade is an ominous practice that entails the clear-cutting of an area of forest equivalent to a football field every two seconds worldwide. The illegal trade of timber depletes origin countries’ natural resources and has direct impact on deforestation and, consequently, on climate change.
At the same time, illicit timber trade is one of the most financially rewarding transnational criminal activities, generating an estimated USD 7 billion. Organised criminal groups camouflage the origin of the timber through document forgery and bribery to pass customs checks and reach their destination - consumer countries.
Various timber types such as teak, rose wood, ipé and pernambuco are in high demand in European countries, where they can be used for multiple purposes, including for the creation of ornaments and general construction.
Europol’s role
Europol deployed experts and analysts into the hotspots across the EU, delivering expertise and operational analysis support to the involved countries and law enforcement authorities. Europol also provided operational support through a Virtual Command Post. Before the operation, law enforcement authorities met in a dedicated workshop to share learnings and best practices to combat illegal timber trade.
Participating authorities:
- Brazil: Federal Police (Polícia Federal);
- France: French National Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Nationale) – Central Office for Combating Environmental and Public Health Attacks (Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l'environnement et à la santé publique OCLAESP);
- Costa Rica: Criminal Investigation Department (Departamento de Investigaciones Criminales) and Prosecutor;
- Germany: Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt);
- Italy: Italian Carabinieri (Arma dei Carabinieri);
- Netherlands: Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit);
- Panama: National Police (Policía Nacional) and Prosecutor;
- Portugal: National Republican Guard - SEPNA (Guarda Nacional Republicana – SEPNA).
- Spain: Spanish Guardia Civil (Guardia Civil – SEPRONA) and SVA from Spanish Customs (Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera).
- Press Release/News
- Press Release
- Brazil
- France
- Costa Rica
- Germany
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Panama
- Portugal
- Spain
The European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) tackles the most important threats posed by organised and serious international crime affecting the EU. EMPACT strengthens intelligence, strategic and operational cooperation between national authorities, EU institutions and bodies, and international partners. EMPACT runs in four-year cycles focusing on common EU crime priorities.