Europol supported an international drug-trafficking operation that led to the arrest of 14 members of an Italian criminal network in Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain. The suspects cooperated with an international organised criminal group and allegedly perpetrated criminal activities in the EU, posing a high risk to the public across several Member States.
During the large-scale operation, which involved almost 200 police officers, law enforcement authorities also dismantled a laboratory in Belgium where members of the criminal organisation produced and stored synthetic drugs. Following production, the criminal group would smuggle the drugs across different countries in Europe.
The action day on 12 December 2023 led to:
- 16 locations searched (3 specific spots believed to be drug production laboratories);
- 14 arrests in Belgium (12), Netherlands (1) and Spain (1);
- Seizures include: firearms, laboratory hardware and related equipment, precursors for producing synthetic drugs, cash, cars used by drug mules, and luxury watches.
Participating authorities:
- Belgium: Judicial police (Federale Gerechtelijke Politie) from Limburg, Luik, Antwerpen, Leuven, Brussels, and Halle-Vilvoorde, and Local police (Lokale Politie) from Trudo, Lama and Tongeren-Herstappe
- Italy: Italian Carabinieri Corps (Arma dei Carabinieri)
- Netherlands: Dutch Federal Police (Korps Nationale Politie)
- Spain: Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional)
Europol facilitated the exchange of information and continuously provided the involved law enforcement authorities with analytical support. On the action day, Europol provided support with a virtual command post, deployed specialists on the spot with a mobile office to work hand-in-hand with investigators, and provide analytical support and live crosschecks against Europol’s databases.
- Press Release/News
- Press Release
- Belgium
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Spain