Online Jihadist Propaganda - 2022 in review

  • Online Jihadist Propaganda - 2022 in review

This report is the fifth edition of the annual review of online jihadist propaganda. It analyses the major trends and developments in the propaganda of the most prominent Sunni jihadist organisations – the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda (AQ) – as well as their branches and offshoots.

The review addresses the trajectories of these groups, and how they have responded to shifting dynamics and attempted to overcome setbacks. It further identifies the dominant themes and types of productions exploited by the two groups during this period, while highlighting changes in key areas related to online jihadist propaganda, such as main narratives and the abuse of technology for propaganda dissemination. In order to shed light on changes in the groups’ narratives and online communication patterns, the research examined primary sources, including the groups’ operational claims, publications, statements, videos and audio speeches.

The aim of the review is to contribute to a deeper understanding of jihadist propaganda and to raise awareness among law enforcement practitioners, hosting service providers and the public of how jihadist organisations and their supporters abuse technology to broadcast their messages to intended audiences.

Cite this publication: Europol (2023), Online Jihadist Propaganda – 2022 in review, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.


    • Report
    • Other Reports
  • Report
  • PDF | ISBN: 978-92-95220-89-8 | ISSN: 2600-4410 | DOI: 10.2813/746017 | QL-AQ-23-001-EN-N