Information concerning occupational activities of senior staff members after leaving the service (article 16 of the staff regulations).


Pursuant to Article 16 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union ( ’EUSR’), applicable by analogy to temporary agents pursuant to Articles 11 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Unions (‘CEOS’), EU officials continue to be bound by the duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance of certain appointments or benefits’ after leaving the service.

Those staff members intending to engage in an occupational activity within two years of leaving the service shall inform their institution, so that it may take an appropriate decision in that respect. In cases where the intended activity is related to the work carried out by the staff member during the last three years of service and could lead to a conflict with the legitimate interests of the institution, the decision to be taken may include forbidding the staff member from undertaking it or giving its approval subject to any conditions it thinks fit.

When those staff members are former senior staff members, Article 16(3) of the EUSR stipulates that ‘the appointing authority shall, in principle, prohibit them, during the 12 months after leaving the service, from engaging in lobbying or advocacy vis-à-vis staff of their former institution for their business, clients or employers on matters for which they were responsible during the last three years in the service.’

Article 16(4) of the EUSR foresees that ‘[i]n compliance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001  of the European Parliament and of the Council, each institution shall publish annually information on the implementation of the third paragraph, including a list of the cases assessed.’ Europol’s publications are available hereunder. 

Please note that for the year(s) in which no senior staff member left Europol, no publication will be made available. Any publication concerning the departure of (a) senior staff member(s) in a particular year will be made available on Europol’s dedicated webpage by 31 March of the following year.



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