NextGenerationEU - Law Enforcement Forum



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  • NGEULawEnforcementForum3rdEdition.png

On 15 and 16 February 2023, Europol’s Deputy Director for Operations, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, and Vittorio Rizzi, Deputy Director-General of Public Security in Italy, co-chaired the third edition of the NextGenerationEU - Law Enforcement Forum on Asset Recovery, which took place in Rome. 

The Forum – a platform bringing together top level experts on financial crime – hosted delegations from the European Commission, the Swedish Council Presidency, the EPPO, Eurojust, OLAF, CEPOL and Interpol, as well as police forces from 19 Member States. Participants discussed prevention and countermeasures against attempts by organised crime to infiltrate the financial and social fabric of society. As a way forward, the Forum launched the proposal of a think tank to be led by Italy, Europol and the EU Commission. 
