EU Most Wanted

Helping put the highest-profile criminals behind bars


The site’s content is managed and published by national FAST teams in EU Member States, who upload information on their countries’ most wanted fugitives, and who will receive any leads the public provides about them.

The Europe’s Most Wanted Fugitives website,, publishes information on the highest-profile criminals in the EU.

Launched in early 2016 by the European Network of Fugitive Active Search Teams (ENFAST) and hosted by Europol, the site lists the most wanted criminals who have been charged with or convicted of serious crimes in Europe, such as murder, sexual exploitation of children, armed robbery and terrorism.

Members of the public can provide tips via the site itself, anonymously if they wish. These tips have already proved invaluable, and have led to the apprehension of several of the fugitives who have been appeared on the site.