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Europol is committed to user privacy. All personal data collected by Europol are processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018\/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45\/2001 and Decision No 1247\/2002\/EC. We will handle all the information received from you confidentially. Confidentiality implies that your personal data will be disclosed only to authorised personnel of Europol. However, it may be necessary for the future investigation to inform the national competent authority concerned about the content of the information received from you and\/or your identity.<\/p>\r\n"},"terms":{"tags":[],"languages":[{"id":362,"title":"Bulgarian"},{"id":579,"title":"Gaelic"},{"id":574,"title":"Icelandic"},{"id":557,"title":"Luxembourgish"},{"id":580,"title":"Macedonian"},{"id":515,"title":"Norwegian"},{"id":516,"title":"Russian"},{"id":517,"title":"Ukranian"},{"id":363,"title":"Spanish"},{"id":364,"title":"Czech"},{"id":365,"title":"Danish"},{"id":366,"title":"German"},{"id":367,"title":"Estonian"},{"id":368,"title":"Greek"},{"id":369,"title":"English"},{"id":370,"title":"French"},{"id":371,"title":"Irish"},{"id":372,"title":"Italian"},{"id":373,"title":"Latvian"},{"id":374,"title":"Lithuanian"},{"id":375,"title":"Hungarian"},{"id":376,"title":"Maltese"},{"id":377,"title":"Dutch"},{"id":378,"title":"Polish"},{"id":379,"title":"Portuguese"},{"id":380,"title":"Romanian"},{"id":381,"title":"Slovak"},{"id":382,"title":"Slovene"},{"id":383,"title":"Finnish"},{"id":384,"title":"Swedish"},{"id":385,"title":"Croatian"},{"id":386,"title":"Other"}]}},"NodeLoader":{"node":{"id":2219,"type":"guide","title":"Online sexual coercion and extortion is a crime","alias":"\/operations-services-and-innovation\/public-awareness-and-prevention-guides\/online-sexual-coercion-and-extortion-crime","language":"en","languages":["en"],"published":1497848400,"updated":1739194306,"body":"
Has someone you have only met online asked you to send them sexual photos and\/or videos, or perform sexual acts via webcam? Is this person asking you to keep your contact secret, threatening to post the photos or videos of you on the internet or share them with your friends and family if you don\u2019t send more or pay money?<\/p>
This is a crime. It is called <\/strong>online sexual coercion and extortion<\/strong><\/a>.<\/strong><\/p> If this happens to you: #SayNo! Look for help. Tell a friend or an adult you trust or report it to the police. You are not alone.<\/p> Read the report:<\/strong><\/p> Online Sexual Coercion And Extortion As A Form Of Crime Affecting Children \u2013 Law Enforcement Perspective<\/a><\/p> Watch the video trailers:<\/strong><\/p> Full trailer<\/a> Offenders may try and approach you online to get sexual photos or videos of you. To achieve this, they will try to make you feel special by pretending to be your friend. They might say nice things to you to gain your trust. They may also lure you into sexualised conversation and performing sexual acts online. Once they get hold of your sexual photos or videos, they may demand you send more, or ask you for money, threatening to post the images on the internet or share them with your friends and family if you don\u2019t do as they say. They can be very clever at making you feel guilty about what has happened to stop you from getting help.<\/p> Although this behaviour can also exist in a peers\u2019 environment, this advice focuses on criminal activities conducted by adults. This person is not someone you should trust. This is an offender and should be prosecuted<\/strong>. Many victims don\u2019t seek help or report it to the police as they are embarrassed about the material the perpetrator has, or because they are unaware that they are victims of crime.<\/p>
Trailer - Anna's story<\/a>
Trailer - George's story<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>