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It is not unusual for teenagers and young people to get involved in cybercriminal activities at an early age. Some do it for fun without realising the consequences of their actions \u2013 but the penalties can be severe. Cybercrime isn\u2019t a victimless crime and it is taken extremely seriously by law enforcement. The minors that become involved in cybercrime often have a skill set that could be put to a positive use. Skills in coding, gaming, computer programming, cyber security or anything IT-related are in high demand and there are many professional careers and opportunities available to anyone with IT talent and an interest in these areas.<\/p>\n\n
A permanent criminal record could affect education and future career prospects, as well as potential future overseas travel.<\/p>\n\n
Consequences vary from country to country, but young people who get involved in cybercrime could face the following:<\/p>\n\n
Given the past years\u2019 fast technological progress, is it quite common for children to easily become tech-savvy. However, they still need your help and guidance to make sure that they stay on the right path. Unfortunately, their talent could be exploited by cybercriminals rather than put to good use in the world of cybersecurity. Once they are on the radar of law enforcement, their professional and educational futures might be compromised. Cybersecurity companies tend to avoid hiring convicted hackers, regardless of how talented and tech-savvy they might be.<\/p>\n\n
Some of the indicators that your child may be at risk of becoming involved in cybercrime include:<\/p>\n\n
Many children will have an active interest in coding and programming, spend a lot of time online and have independent learning materials. These are all signs of a healthy and positive interest in computing and the development of those extremely valuable skills should be encouraged \u2013 but in a lawful way.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
The research paper \u201cYouth Pathways into Cybercrime\u201d attempts to explain the pathways that lead some young people into cybercrime. The report highlights the need to develop effective prevention and intervention strategies as well as the importance of promoting alternatives, positive (and legal) ways of channelling young talents toward careers in the tech and security sectors.<\/p>\n\n
Teenage hacking of online forum<\/p>\n\n
Luke, a teenage boy, is thrilled by the challenge of hacking into websites. He starts learning hacking skills by asking questions on forums and experimenting with freely available hacking tools. Luke learns about Hydra, a network logon cracker program that automatically tries username and password combinations from a large list of known usernames and passwords to \u201clockpick\u201d access to the target website. Hydra frequently succeeds, because users tend to choose simple passwords and reuse them on different websites. Luke starts using Hydra to hack into web forums. Your children might not be aware that their actions could lead to a criminal conviction. In spite of what their friends tell them, law enforcement is always going to catch up with illegal online activity and identify the perpetrators. Europol\u2019s European Cybercrime Centre is often coordinating operations involving such targets. Operation TarPit <\/a>and Operation Neuland <\/a>are two examples of such operations.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n European Cyber Security Challenge<\/a><\/p>\n\n European Cyber Security Month<\/a><\/p>\n\n European Code Week<\/a><\/p>\n\n Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition pledges:<\/a><\/p>\n\n
\nAt first he uses a list of usernames and passwords publicly available on the Internet, but once he succeeds in getting administrator access to a forum, he expands his list with the contents of the compromised forum database, which makes Luke more effective at hacking other online forums.
\nAlthough Luke's technical skills are not very advanced, the combination of freely available hacking tools, tutorials and advice from other hackers allowed Luke to be an effective hacker for a time. His hacking is eventually discovered by the administrator of a popular online forum and Luke is apprehended by the police.<\/em><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n<\/p>\n\n
WHAT CAN YOU DO?<\/h2>\n\n