Joint Action Day Calibre

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Led by the UK and coordinated by Europol and Frontex, this two-day operation against firearms trafficking saw physical checks being carried out at border crossings, mainly in the Western Balkan region.

Crime areas

illicit trafficking in firearms

Europol's contribution

4 Mobile Offices deployed to the Western Balkan region and the UK; analytical on-the-spot support.

Key operational outcome:

136 firearms and over 7 000 rounds of ammunition were seized. 18 individuals were arrested in the Western Balkan states in relation to weapons and explosives offences and 153 individuals were prevented from entering the EU illegally. In addition, law enforcement identified a further 37 instances of overstay. 1 stolen vehicle was recovered and 4 counterfeit/forged documents were detected.


AL, BA, BG, CH, DE, ES, GR,  HR, HU, ME, MK, RO, RS, SE, SI, UK, US, Europol, Frontex


    • Analysis
    • Operational
    • Mobile office
    • Joint Action Days (JADs)
    • European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)