Today, the Copenhagen Special Investigation Unit of the Danish Police (Dansk Politi), arrested 31 individuals of a large, poly-criminal organisation, which smuggled, sold and distributed firearms and drugs throughout the EU. They are charged with the smuggling and distribution of 1.650 kg of cocaine.
The Danish Police searched houses in 40 locations and huge amounts of narcotics, firearms and cash were found. The investigation was carried out in cooperation with law enforcement organisations from Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden as well as Albania.
Europol's Analysis Project (AP) Copper, which supports the prevention and combating of crimes involving Albanian speaking organized criminal groups and associated organised crime groups, supported this priority case from the very beginning. AP Copper provided analytical support and organised three operational meetings with the involved partners at Europol's headquarters and in Denmark.
On the action day, three Europol officers with mobile offices and data extraction tools were on the spot for supporting the international coordination and cross-checked collected information and data.
- Press Release/News
- Press Release
- Albania
- Denmark
- Germany
- Netherlands
- Slovenia
- Sweden
- Other