Joint operation targeting firearms and explosives at the Ukrainian/Moldovan border


Over 578 firearms and 776 pieces of ammunitions were seized as part as a joint operation targeting the illegal movement of firearms, explosives, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear material through the Ukraine/Republic of Moldova border. 5 pieces of explosives and 1 package of radioactive material were also seized at the border as part of this operation.

Taking place throughout April 2017 and co-ordinated by the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM), this operation saw the involvement of Europol, Frontex, the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, Moldova, Greece, Romania and Spain.

Europol was instrumental in providing analytical support during the preoperational and operational phases.

The seizures made as part of this operation show the scale on which weapons can be trafficked in just one month, and highlight that international exchange and coordination is essential in preventing illegal cross-border movements of firearms, explosives and other dangerous materials.
