In August 2014, 71 paintings worth approximately EUR 2 500 000 were stolen from a villa in Vienna-Hietzing (Austria). Officials of the Austrian Landeskriminalamt Vienna have succeeded in seizing 67 of these stolen paintings in an apartment in the Viennese urban area due to extensive cooperative investigations with the Austrian Bundeskriminalamt - Federal Criminal Police Office and Europol. Four pictures are still missing, of a value estimated at EUR 50 000. International investigations against a still unknown group of perpetrators are carried on by the Landeskriminalamt Vienna together with the Federal Criminal Police Office and Europol.

Left: Zigeunermädchen by Oskar Kokoschka (value approx. EUR 45,000) / Right: Kirschblüten in Grinzing by Carl Moll (value approx. EUR 350,000)
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