Site for the production of illegal party drugs dismantled in Budapest


6 suspects were arrested last week by the Hungarian National Bureau of Investigation with the support of Europol. The 6 Hungarian citizens belong to an international organised criminal group responsible for the production and distribution of new psychoactive substances (NPS), and the investigation has been on-going since 2013. Significant amounts of NPS, powders, herbals, crystal substances and relevant equipment were seized.

A tableting unit was dismantled and equipment to produce NPS (pentedrone) was seized including a Chinese tableting machine and a Chinese mixing machine. At other locations in Budapest many other products were found related to the production and distribution of designer drugs.

During the investigation and on the day of action Europol provided analytical and technical support to the investigators. Operational data was cross-checked and analysed on-the-spot via a mobile office with direct link to Europol's databases. 


    • Operation
    • Mobile office
    • Press Release/News
  • Press Release