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The EU retail drug market is estimated to be worth at least EUR 30 billion annually and is a major source of income for organised crime. The large-scale production of cannabis and synthetic drugs taking place in the EU or the drug flows of particularly cocaine arriving from Latin America, are examples of how Europe takes a central position in drug production and trafficking.<\/p>
The new Europol and EMCDDA report offers a strategic and top-level summary of the EU drug market, based on a robust understanding of the current drug landscape, organised crime and emerging threats. It is targeted at decision-makers, who develop and implement policies and actions in Europe, as well as at practitioners working in the drugs field and the general public. The report will be the last module of the broader EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis<\/a> from the two agencies, their fourth comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the EU since 2013.<\/p> The press conference is open to press, policymakers and stakeholders. It will take place from 15:00-16:00 CET. (14:00-15:00 local time in Portugal). <\/p>Press conference recording<\/h2>