Olympics 2024 security topped up


Europol has signed an agreement with France to support the host country of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in strengthening security at this major global event. With this agreement, Europol will further facilitate operational information exchange and international law enforcement cooperation during the games. 

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The agreement covers several important arrangements designed to ensure the security and success of the event. This includes increasing operational preparedness, developing special channels for swift cooperation during the event, and enhancing strategic foresight to anticipate and confront complex situations quickly and efficiently. 

During the event, Europol will deploy a special team to assist with security arrangements at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Europol’s experts will work in close cooperation with the Central Section for Operational Police Cooperation (SCCOPOL) of the Department for International Operational Cooperation within the French Ministry of the Interior, as well as with experts from INTERPOL also specially deployed to step up security at the event. 

Law enforcement cooperation is crucial for ensuring safety at major international events. Europol’s Operational Centre has provided support to a number of major international events, including the G20 Summit in Germany (2017), the G7 Summit in Taormina, Italy (2017), Amsterdam Gay Pride (2017), the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship, the FIFA World Cup 2022 and the Rugby World Cup 2023 in France. The Operational Centre manages the constant flow of data between Europol and its partners on a 24/7 basis, making it the gateway of all operational information and intelligence channelled through the Agency.


    • Operational coordination
    • Information exchange
    • Analysis
    • Press Release/News
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