Man funding the so-called Islamic State apprehended in Spain


This morning the Spanish National Police, with the support of Europol and the National Intelligence Center, arrested a Moroccan individual in Málaga, Spain, suspected of terrorist financing. The arrestee had been sending large amounts of money to his wife – highly radicalised and considered one of the most dangerous terrorists by the Spanish authorities – to help her travel to Syria and join the so-called Islamic State (IS).

The Spanish Ministry of the Interior revealed that the woman left Spain in February 2016 on a flight to Greece, managing to reach Turkey. There, she joined a Palestinian jihadist she had met online, who is considered as an intermediate IS official. During that time, the arrestee sent his wife up to EUR 3 000 in different payments, financing her stay in Turkey. Investigations also revealed that between 2015 and 2016, she used the money to finance the movements of the Palestinian jihadist across Europe, as well as send it to his family.

It is estimated that the arrestee sent a total of EUR 6 000 to his wife, helping her reach IS territory in Syria and continue her terrorist activities from there.

Europol has actively supported the arrest.

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