2 large operations of the Spanish Guardia Civil, with the support of Europol, have led to the dismantling of criminal organisations involved in the trafficking of new psychoactive substances. These substances have harmful health effects and can even cause death. As a result of Operations Alimaya and Korowai, 160 000 doses have been seized and almost 50 suspects arrested.
Europol’s Project Synergy supported both operations, providing specialist support on-the-spot, deploying 3 mobile offices, cross-checking intelligence and financing 2 operational meetings in Spain for Belgian, German and Dutch colleagues (March and April 2016). In total, 39 people were arrested in the framework of Op. Korowai and 9 in Op. Alimaya.
Europol’s presence on the spot was very important for the investigation. Checks made by the mobile office and the expertise provided on new psychoactive substances facilitated the identification of significant international links.
The Guardia Civil have released impressive video footage of significant quantities of seized illegal drugs:
Watch the Video
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