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Initial investigations against the OCG were launched in 2019 by the Public Prosecutor\u2019s Office (PPO) of Florence \u2013 District Antimafia Directorate. From January 2020, the Italian and Albanian authorities of the Special Anti-Corruption Structure (SPAK) in Tirana contacted Eurojust to coordinate cross-border judicial cooperation against this complex network. It operated from both Albania and Italy, transporting drugs by car to Spain and Germany, while other suspects were based in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. <\/p>
Judicial cooperation with Albania is facilitated by Eurojust, as it is one of the 11 countries outside the EU that has a Liaison Prosecutor<\/a> at the Agency. At request of the Italian and Albanian authorities, Eurojust supported the creation of dedicated joint investigation teams between the PPO of Florence and SPAK<\/a> and provided financial, logistic and operational support.<\/p> The Agency organised coordination meetings to prepare for today\u2019s major action. It also set up a coordination centre to enable judicial cooperation with all national authorities involved during the action day. <\/p> Europol has been supporting the case since 2020. Its experts provided extensive analytical support and expertise on Albanian organised crime, enabling the identification of key targets and the mapping of their criminal activities across Europe. Two Europol officers were deployed on the ground in Albania and Italy during the action day to support the national authorities in their investigative measures. <\/p>