Jewellery robbery in The Hague: Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands arrest 4 suspects


On Tuesday, 04 October law enforcement forces of Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands arrested 4 persons that have been suspected to be involved in a jewellery robbery that took place in The Hague in June 2015. In Italy the Carabinieri of Torre del Greco arrested a 58-year-old woman. In Belgium, a 40-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman were arrested, and in the Netherlands a 52-year man was arrested. All suspects are of Italian origin. Europol was instrumental in supporting the Belgian, Dutch and Italian authorities to put together the information necessary to arrest the suspects. The presence of Italian Organised Crime in this area of Europe underlines once again how widespread this type of criminality is, and Europol since 2013 has dedicated expertise specifically mandated to fight this phenomenon. The investigations are still ongoing.
