Global crackdown on illicit online pharmacies


Over the last week, Europol has been part of a successful global operation to crack down on the illegal sale of medicines online. 

Operation Pangea V, coordinated by Interpol, is a global operation spanning 100 countries, aimed at disrupting the organised crime networks behind this illicit market. The operation has resulted in some 80 arrests and the worldwide seizure of 3.75 million units of potentially life threatening medicines worth USD 10.5 million.

In addition to raids at addresses linked to the illegal online supply of medicines, some 133 000 packages were inspected by regulators and customs authorities around the world with around 6700 being confiscated.

Among the counterfeit and illicit medicines were anti-cancer medication, antibiotics, erectile dysfunction pills as well as slimming and food supplements.

For the first time Europol supported Operation Pangea, deploying a mobile office at the Interpol Lyon headquarters during the week of action (from September 25 to October 2).  In close cooperation with our Europol Liaison officer based at Interpol, relevant information was exchanged at Interpol’s Coordination Centre.
