Today, Europol Director Rob Wainwright hosted the visit of James Comey, Director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), at Europol's headquarters in The Hague. Director Wainwright welcomed the delegation and discussed Europol's excellent collaboration with the FBI, in particular in the area of cybercrime, as well as opportunities for further cooperation.
Mr Comey's visit takes place within the context of the European Police Chiefs Convention (EPCC), held annually at Europol in The Hague. Addressing over 300 police chiefs and senior law enforcement officers from Europe and beyond, Mr Comey spoke about global threats such as terrorism and cybercrime, and the continued need for international partnerships to tackle these crimes.
"The perception that terrorism only happens in big cities like New York, London, or Paris is not true. There are troubled people all across the United States and in every country around the world. That's why partnerships are critical. We all share a common interest in keeping our nations safe from both crime and terrorism. Together, we can identify common threats and common needs, and by joining forces, we're all better able to protect the people we serve,'' he said.
"No law enforcement or intelligence agency alone – no country alone – can defeat crime and terrorism and keep its streets safe. But all of us, standing together – we are strong, unbending, and unbreakable.''
Speaking about the challenges for law enforcement posed by terrorism and cybercrime, Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol, stated: ''Now more than ever we understand the importance of cross-border law enforcement cooperation to tackle global threats, such as terrorism and cybercrime. In this challenging time, building up strong partnerships among international law enforcers, and ensuring fast and efficient information exchange, are key to safeguarding our citizens and our collective security.''
"In this respect, cooperation between Europol, the FBI and other international partners, has proved to be exemplary, in particular in combatting cyber attacks and the sexual exploitation of children online. This strong collaboration demonstrates what law enforcement agencies can achieve together when trusted relationships are established.''
Europol's cooperation with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has increased significantly over recent years, leading to several global operational successes. Since May 2015, the FBI has deployed a permanent liaison officer to Europol's headquarters in The Hague, strengthening the cooperation between both agencies and further ensuring the fast and effective exchange of information.
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