Europol supports French Gendarmerie and Polish Police in fight against itinerant organised crime group


Europol provided analytical and financial support to the French Gendarmerie (SR Pau) and the Polish police during a 3-day operation against a mobile (itinerant) organised crime group involved in cross-border, optical instruments thefts (see photo).

Several investigative actions took place in Poland in June 2013, following the arrest of two members of an organised crime group in France which had committed a series of optical instruments thefts all over the country, causing a financial loss of more than 1 million euros. The two suspects are still in pre-trial custody in France. One of them is the leader of the group. The information exchange between the police services allowed the investigators to find out who his accomplices were and to tackle their criminal activities.

The established level of cooperation between involved parties provides solid perspectives for the future operational cooperation between the French Gendarmerie and the Polish police. The assistance offered by Europol for this operation is ongoing and the results of the interviews, seizures and house searches will be processed to generate further intelligence and investigative leads.

This cross-border investigation falls under the EU policy cycle priorities 2011-2013: to reduce the capacities of mobile (itinerant) organised crime groups.


    • Information exchange
    • Press Release/News
  • News
    • France
    • Poland