Europol supports Dutch law enforcement authorities to clamp down on vehicle crime

The Hague, the Netherlands


Europol have provided support to the Rotterdam-Rijnmond police to target suspicious vehicles in the Rotterdam city area, resulting in 282 vehicles being flagged with registration or tax issues.

Participating in this operation were local police, immigration police, city tax authorities, registration authorities, national tax authorities and specialised vehicle examination units. Europol supported the operation by providing the EuVID - European Vehicle Identification Database the DOCIS Document Information System, and expert knowledge on vehicle identification.

The operation was conducted between 14:00 and 22:00 on 23 May at two different locations in Rotterdam, with an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) unit deployed to monitor the traffic.

In total, 8575 vehicles passed the ANPR unit, giving 282 hits on vehicles flagged with registration issues or missing payment of road tax.

The outcome of the operation was: 3 vehicles taken into custody for various tax issues 2333 euros collected in missing taxes 32 fines issued for various offences 39 suspicious vehicles checked 22 vehicles requiring re-registration 1 vehicle equipped with LPG system, which was not reported 1 unregistered vehicle 1 vehicle with technical problems, and 15 reports in relation to missing driving licences, ID and insurance.
