Europol launches its international law enforcement photography competition


Europol is delighted to announce the launch of its annual photo competition for the best law enforcement photographs. This international photo competition, now in its fourth year, recognises outstanding photography from the challenging and rewarding work of police and law enforcement agencies. Closing date: 31 July 2012.

Last year’s competition attracted more entries than ever before, with submissions coming from across the European Union and beyond. The high quality entries portrayed the highs and lows of law enforcement work, across the spectrum of services including police, border and customs guards, SWAT[1] teams, Gendarmerie and more. First prize was awarded to a Spanish Guardia Civilphotographer whose image really captured the daily challenges that nature throws at police work.

Entries this year are welcome from amateur and professional photographers working for law enforcement magazines and agencies in EU countries and those countries with Europol Agreements.

Three winning photographers will win a trip to The Netherlands and Europol. Other outstanding entries will be selected for use in Europol’s 2013 calendars and other publications.

The closing date for entries is 31 July 2012. Full details and entry forms can be downloaded below in all EU languages.

[1]   SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics.


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