Europol announces the winners of its 2012 law enforcement photo competition

The Hague, the Netherlands


Europol is delighted to announce the results of its 2012 law enforcement photo competition, which yet again has attracted some fantastic entries.

First prize has been awarded to Alexandra McHugh, a photographer with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in Canberra, who captured a solemn image depicting the repatriation of an AFP officer who died in service.

José Cordoba, from Spain’s Guardia Civil, clinched second prize with his dramatic photo of an injured person being evacuated by helicopter from cliffs on the northern Spanish coast.

A Metropolitan Police Officer from the UK took third prize with her image of a Notting Hill Police Constable on duty in the city.

The 2012 photo competition attracted a record number of entries, from all corners of Europe and beyond. Open to law enforcement photographers from the EU and those countries with Europol cooperation agreements, this year saw 63 photographers from 22 countries submitting over 250 law enforcement photographs. The quality entries portray the highs and lows of law enforcement work, across the spectrum of services including police, border and customs guards, SWAT teams, Gendarmerie and more.

First prize: Alexandra McHugh from Australia

Repatriation of an Australian Federal Police Officer 
who died while in service in the Solomon Islands

Second prize: José Cordoba from Spain

Guardia Civil’s Air Service and Mountain Rescue Unit 
evacuate an injured person from cliffs in Northern Spain

Third prize: Abigail McCarthy from the United Kingdom

Metropolitan Police Officer on duty in
Portobello Road, Notting Hill, London


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