Denmark strengthens its liaison network with senior investigators from the Danish Flying Squad


The Danish liaison bureau at Europol (known as the Danish desk) is adding a new element to the so–called ‘Danish Model’ – the concept of centralising information exchange inside the EU via its liaison bureau at Europol in The Hague. From now on members from the Danish Flying Squad will be attached as ad hoc Liaison Officers to the Danish desk at Europol over a period of two years. During their stay, the officers will be trained in the tasks and working methods by the three full–time Danish liaison officers stationed within Europol’s headquarters.

The Danish National Commissioner of Police, Jens Henrik Hoejbjerg, says, "When our investigators deal with serious organised crime, they often find links to other countries. By sending senior investigators to Europol for a longer period, we train them to make the best possible use of the systems in place for international police cooperation. Furthermore, these officers will act as ambassadors when investigating in Denmark, advocating the use of the tools offered by Europol".

After having been trained at Europol, the officers will be better prepared whenever they have to assist with investigations outside Denmark, on behalf of Danish National Police. This might be in relation to cases involving Danish criminals in other countries or in cases relating to Denmark.

The Europol National Unit within the National Centre of Investigations (NCI) is the link between Danish Police and Europol.


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