Dear Europe’s Most Wanted fugitives - the Police want you back home this summer!


Police across Europe are sending summer postcards to dangerous criminals on the run. However, their exact addresses are still unknown to us. Can you help us find them?

While most of us are enjoying a well-deserved summer break, criminals are not taking time off from crime. Holiday destinations have proven to be popular hiding places for criminals on the run from law enforcement. They might even have chosen the same destination as you…

That’s why your information can be vital to catch some of Europe’s Most Wanted fugitives. Law enforcement across Europe, through the European Network of Fugitive Active Search Teams (ENFAST) and Europol, are asking for your help to find out their exact locations, to ensure they take responsibility for their serious crimes.

These postcards we have created on feature Europe’s Most Wanted fugitives, who have committed serious crimes in 21 EU countries, for whom traditional investigative measures have so far not led to the locations of the suspects.  They are believed to be hiding in a different country to where the crime was committed, and the members of ENFAST are working closely together to make sure these fugitives do not evade justice.

By sharing these postcards and providing information, you can help us complete that last piece of the puzzle so that we can ultimately reach the fugitives. The more the postcards are seen, the better the chance of police locating these criminals and putting them behind bars!

36 EU Most Wanted criminals arrested so far

Crowdsourcing the search has proved to be very successful in tracking down fugitives in the past. Since the launch of in early 2016, more than 2.5 million unique visitors have visited the website. 36 criminals featured as most wanted fugitives have been arrested, of whom at least 11 were apprehended as a direct result of information provided by the public via the EU Most Wanted platform. Four fugitives turned themselves in after appearing on the list.

Europe’s Most Wanted was initiated by the ENFAST community, with the full support of Europol. The members of ENFAST are all specialised in locating criminals on the run who are suspected, or have been convicted, of serious crimes and are subjects of European Arrest Warrants. The majority of these criminals have committed murders, fraud or other serious offences, or are trafficking drugs.


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