CSIRT – law enforcement cooperation workshop


The European Union’s Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) organised the 10th Annual Workshops for CSIRTs and law enforcement.

Celebrating its 10-year anniversary of standing shoulder-to-shoulder to counter cybercrime, ENISA and Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) continue their joint efforts to enable synergies and to further support cooperation between Computer Security Incident Response Teams, (CSIRTs) and the law enforcement (LE).

On 19 October 2021, the 10th ENISA- EC3 workshop was held online and brought together the CSIRTs and LE communities from EU Member States and EFTA countries  It focused on the need for improved cooperation and trust for an effective and concerted response to the growing attacks against information systems. The ultimate target achieved via the workshop was to enable a structured collaboration framework and to facilitate working channels.

ENISA’s Executive Director Juhan Lepassaar noted:

The cooperation between National Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) and Law Enforcement has been evolving over the past years.

The Head of Europol’s EC3, Edvardas Šileris stated:

This year we reach the 10th edition of the ENISA-EC3 Workshop on CSIRT-LE cooperation. The dedication and willingness that both agencies show in organizing this event, as well as the high interest from both CSIRT and law enforcement attendees, are testimony to the importance of working together towards making Europe safer.

During the workshop the participants had also the opportunity to share success stories and bring forward examples of joint cooperation among communities such as during the EMOTET takedown, as well as initiatives from EU institutions, agencies and bodies. Experts discussed relevant EU policy developments including the Joint Cyber Unit (JCU), cooperation frameworks and response mechanisms and techniques against cyberattacks.


    • Press Release/News
  • News
    • European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)