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The suspect was a high-value target sought by Croatia and Germany. The investigation, carried out in the framework of Europol\u2019s Operational Taskforce (OTF) \u2018Balkan Cartel\u2019, marked a successful cooperation between the involved EU Member States and T\u00fcrkiye in targeting and bringing down this criminal organisation.<\/p>
The arrest of the Croatian kingpin is the result of operational activities supported by Europol in early October, involving law enforcement authorities from Croatia and Germany. <\/p>
Europol facilitated the exchange of information and continuously provided the investigation with analytical support. The development of operational intelligence revealed an extensive, covert network operating across continents and countries.<\/p>
The takedown of encrypted communication tools used by criminals has given international law enforcement an unprecedented insight into criminal networks and how they function. One trend that emerged was the important role played by criminal networks largely composed of nationals from countries in the Balkan region, in the global cocaine trade.<\/p>
Europol created the Operational Taskforce Balkan Cartel to respond to this threat. Led by members with close ties to the region, the Operational Taskforce brings together Balkan, EU and global countries, to effectively target these criminal networks.<\/p>
Europol supported an investigation involving Croatian, German, Spanish and Turkish law enforcement authorities into large-scale cocaine trafficking as part of the Operational Taskforce Balkan Cartel. The operational activities led to the arrest of a Croatian high-value target, who was intercepted last week in Istanbul (T\u00fcrkiye). <\/p>
The suspect is believed to be in charge of a major drug trafficking organisation importing cocaine from South America to Europe. In addition to drug trafficking, the individual is suspected of being behind a number of other criminal activities, including violence and attempted murder. <\/p>
He is also connected to the orchestration of a one-ton shipment of cocaine to Europe, seized in Spain in 2020. The following day, in the framework of a national investigation, Turkish authorities arrested another EU High Value Target on a money laundering charges.<\/p>