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Europol\u2019s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), <\/a>the European Banking Federation<\/strong> and their partners from the public and private sector are kicking off today the #CyberScams <\/strong>awareness campaign as part of the European Cyber Security Month<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n Over the next week, law enforcement agencies from all 28 EU Member States, 5 non- EU Member States1<\/sup>, 24 national banking associations <\/strong>and banks and many other cybercrime fighters will be raising awareness about this criminal phenomenon. This pan-European endeavour will be driven by a communication campaign via social media channels and national law enforcement, bank associations and financial institutions.<\/p>\n\n Following IOCTA 2018 recommendations, the most effective defence against social engineering is the education of potential victims\u2013 who can be anyone of us when we go online. Raising awareness among the general public on how to identify such deceiving techniques will keep both themselves and their finances safe online.<\/p>\n\n For this campaign, awareness-raising material has been developed in 27 languages, available for public download<\/a>, which includes information on the 7 most common online financial scams, and how to avoid them:<\/p>\n\n The internet has become very attractive for cybercriminals. Attackers are using sophisticated tricks and promises to wrench money or valuable financial information out of you. Scams featuring a long-lost deceased relative or Nigerian princes are not the only tricks in the book anymore. The tactics used by cybercriminals are becoming increasingly innovative and harder to detect.\u3000From pretending to be the CEO of your organisation to impersonating a romantic interest, the online scammers of today will do what it takes to get what they want \u2013 your money and\/or banking credentials.<\/p>\n\n As highlighted in the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2018<\/a>, social engineering continues to grow as the engine of many cybercrimes, with phishing as the most frequent form. Criminals use social engineering to achieve a range of goals: to obtain your personal data, hijack your accounts, steal your identity, initiate illegitimate payments, or convince you to proceed with any other activity against your self-interest, such as transferring money or sharing personal data. One single click can be enough to compromise your whole organisation.<\/p>\n\n Read more on how to stay protected on the #CyberScams<\/strong> dedicated webpage.<\/a><\/p>\n\n The European Cyber Security Month (ECMS) is an EU awareness campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and organisations, highlighting simple steps that can be taken to protect their personal, financial and professional data.<\/p>\n\n Follow the #CyberScams campaign:<\/p>\n\n Europol <\/a>and EC3 Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a>, Instagram<\/a>, Youtube<\/a> and LinkedIn<\/a>\n\t
\nEBF Twitter<\/a>, Facebook<\/a> and Linkedin<\/a><\/p>\n\n