Biological threats: new challenges for experts across Europe


Europol and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) organised the second edition of the Cross-sectoral Biorisk Awareness and Mitigation Training, hosted in Olhão, Portugal, on 17-19 April 2018.

47 participants

The training course was greatly appreciated by the 47 participants from law enforcement, public health and civil protection authorities representing 13 EU Member States – Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, plus Iceland.

Participants had the opportunity to increase their knowledge about biological threats and the main principles of protection from biological hazards. This train-the-trainer course was also the perfect opportunity for experts to discuss, within a multi-sectoral and international environment, the current key challenges in preparedness and response to biological incidents.

Europol and the ECDC will continue to strengthen their cooperation with further initiatives in the ever-complex and challenging field of biological threats.


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