17 Lithuanians detained during international operation against car theft


An organised crime network originating from Lithuania and specialised in the theft of vehicles from Germany has been dismantled this week by the Lithuanian police, who worked closely with German law enforcement agencies and were supported by Europol and Eurojust.

Operation Kasimir resulted in 17 arrests, and a number of European arrest warrants have been issued. Searches were conducted simultaneously in 100 locations in both Lithuania and Germany, resulting in the seizure of car ignition equipment, audio and GPS systems, computers, SIM cards and weapons. All in all, over 900 police officers from both countries were involved in this large-scale operation.

Lithuanian authorities launched an international investigation a year ago after receiving information that Lithuanian citizens had been carrying out luxurious cars and equipment thefts in Germany and then selling these in Lithuania. The proceeds of this criminal organisation over the past year are estimated to be in the region of EUR 5 million.

Europol supported the investigation by facilitating information exchange and deploying experts and a mobile office on-the-spot in Lithuania.
