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The criminal network was involved in large-scale drug trafficking, mainly of cocaine and hashish, to Southern Spain using speedboats. Two seizures made earlier in 2021, consisting of 4 300 kg hashish and 1 300 kg cocaine respectively, are connected to this criminal organisation. Two of the 17 arrested on 14 and 15 December had an international arrest warrant against them in connection to a seizure of 1 004 kg cocaine made in 2018 in Morocco. The alleged leader of the organisation is believed to be one of the major importers of cocaine and hashish from Morocco to the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish Civil Guard officers arrested him while he was coordinating a number of seaborne drug trafficking operations.<\/p>\n\n
The organised crime group created and misused a large network of companies, including several cash-intensive businesses such as two restaurants in Barcelona. These businesses served to launder the drug-trafficking proceeds. The profits were also laundered through the payment of mortgages and simulated loans. The suspects also used cash to cover costs related to facilitating their drug trafficking activities and buying the required equipment, such as cars and vessels. A large number of the assets owned by the suspects and their families were not justified by any legally obtained and declared resource. <\/p>\n\n
Since joining the operation in July 2020, Europol supported the operational activities, facilitated the exchange of information and provided analytical support and operational coordination. During the action days, Europol deployed an expert to Spain to cross-check in real time operational information against Europol\u2019s databases to provide leads to investigators in the field. Europol also deployed a second expert to Spain to provide further technical assistance. <\/p>\n\n