Episode 4: The King of Malware

The Europol Podcast

  • The Europol Podcast - Visuals - Episode 4_750x1054 - webpage.png

EMOTET first emerged in 2014 and quickly became one of the most dangerous botnets of the last decade. The so-called King of Malware, it rampaged across the world infecting computers through emails, incurring significant damage. It seemed to be unstoppable until law enforcement, assisted by Europol, came up with an ingenious way of outsmarting the hackers. 



  • Robert Schaap, Advisor in public private partnerships in a national high-tech crime unit of the Dutch Police. 
  • Marijn Schuurbiers, former Deputy Head of the national high-tech crime unit of the Dutch Police and current Head of Operations in Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre.

Europol Specialist:

  • Bogdan, specialist in the Europol Cybercrime Centre who worked on the EMOTET takedown.



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