Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA)

Strategic, policy and tactical updates on the fight against cybercrime


Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) publishes the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA), one of the main flagship strategic products for Europol. It provides a unique law enforcement-focused assessment of the emerging threats and key developments in the field of cybercrime over the last year. 

The aim of this threat assessment is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current, as well as anticipated future threats and trends of crimes conducted and/or facilitated online. The focus of the IOCTA is on the crime areas under EC3’s mandate: 

In addition, the report elaborates on enablers of the cybercrime, such as cryptocurrencies and the dark web.

The IOCTA also celebrates the successes of law enforcement in the fight against cybercrime. Together with its European Union law enforcement partners, EC3 continues to build stronger global partnerships, both in the public and private sector, to improve the reporting of these successes. 

This report is only possible thanks to the invaluable contributions from law enforcement partners and the ongoing support we receive from our stakeholders in the private industry, such as the members of the EC3’s Advisory Groups.