Almost all criminal activities yield profits, often in the form of cash, that the criminals then seek to launder through various channels.
Most organised crime shares a common denominator — the financial motive. Organised crime groups boost their assets and then inject them into the legal economy through different money laundering schemes. Tracing these assets means tracing the networks.
Broad mandate
Europol has a broad mandate in the area of combating money laundering, and provides Member States with intelligence and forensic support to prevent and combat international money laundering activities. The main objective in tracing illegal assets and money laundering is to:
- find the criminals involved;
- disrupt their associates;
- confiscate the proceeds of their crimes.
The Europol Criminal Assets Bureau (ECAB) assists Member States’ financial investigators in tracing the proceeds of crime worldwide, in cases where assets have been concealed beyond their jurisdiction.
The ECAB hosts the secretariat of the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network (CARIN), which focuses on all aspects of confiscating the proceeds of crime. Comprising practitioners from 54 jurisdictions and 9 international organisations, CARIN can assist with enquiries regarding the tracing, freezing, seizure, management and confiscation or forfeiture of criminal proceeds or other assets belonging to a suspect.
The Financial Crime Information Centre (FCIC) is a secure web platform for law enforcement practitioners dealing with money laundering, asset recovery and financial intelligence. It allows its 1 200 members (in 2015) to share and retrieve knowledge, best practice and non-personal data on financial intelligence. It also serves as the communications platform for CARIN, AMON and other projects supported by Europol’s Financial Intelligence Group.
In a 2015 report, Why Is Cash Still King?, Europol questioned the need for the EUR 500 banknote, given its disproportionate use in various stages of criminal activity and the money laundering process. Heeding that concern, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced it would discontinue to issue the high-value note.
In a 2016 operation, codenamed “Usura”, Europol supported the Spanish Guardia Civil in dismantling a money laundering ring with links to two well-known Russian criminal syndicates. Over a number of years, the ring has laundered an estimated EUR 62 million through property investments.
Updates on Money Laundering
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