Prolific traffickers of precursor chemicals arrested

The Hague, the Netherlands


Dutch and Polish law enforcement authorities, supported by Europol, have arrested four suspected members of an organised crime gang, responsible for the trafficking of massive amounts of chemicals for producing synthetic drugs. These chemicals were subsequently used for the illicit manufacture of synthetic drugs (amphetamine, MDMA), mainly in the Netherlands.

As a result of successful investigations in the Netherlands and Poland, arrests were made in the Netherlands in June (three Dutch citizens and one Polish) plus 10 houses and chemical companies were searched. Based on invoices seized, it was revealed that the criminal gang had handled over 100 000 litres of chemicals for synthetic drugs since the start of 2012. Also confiscated during the raids were almost 19kg of amphetamine, two vehicles, a gun, and many documents confirming the purchase and delivery of substantial amounts of chemicals.

The manufacture of synthetic drugs is not possible without chemicals and precursors, which are indispensable for initiating the synthesis processes. These chemical compounds are therefore not only important for organised criminal groups  involved in manufacturing synthetic drugs, but also for those converting/extracting heroin and cocaine.

Europol have pro-actively supported this bilateral investigation since 2010, which targeted an organised criminal group suspected of trafficking huge amounts of chemicals and precursors, including APAAN,[1] from Poland to the Netherlands and, to a lesser extent, Belgium. Europol played a significant role throughout the investigation through the exchange and analysis of intelligence; the organisation of six operational meetings; the coordination and execution of operational activities including trans-border surveillance of the chemical transportation, and the execution of searches and arrests in June 2013; and the provision of expert knowledge via the Europol Illicit Laboratory Comparison System.

The investigation is still ongoing and now focusing on the financial side of the group’s criminal activity and the ‘high value targets’.

[1] The chemical alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile (APAAN) is a precursor of benzyl methyl ketone (BMK), which itself is a precursor for both amphetamine and methamphetamine. The legitimate uses for APAAN in Europe are very limited, and therefore large imports are likely to be intended for conversion to BMK.


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