The Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2014

  • IOCTA 2014 cover

The aim of the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (iOCTA) is to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy and tactical levels to fight cybercrime more effectively and to better protect online society against cyber threats. In particular, this threat assessment is intended to inform priority setting for the EMPACT Operational Action Plan for 2015 in the three sub-areas of the cybercrime priority.

For this purpose the iOCTA provides a description and analysis of the latest trends and the current impact of cybercrime within the EU. It also includes a forward-looking assessment, presenting analyses of future risks and emerging threats and will provide recommendations and proposed lines of action with the aim of informing the strategic planning of EU law enforcement and policy makers.

IOCTA 2014 report online


    • Report
    • IOCTA
  • Report