Europol Review 2014

  • Europol review 2014

More than 3600 organised crime groups are active in the EU. To combat this ever increasing and global criminal activity, European law enforcement authorities joined forces for operation Archimedes. Some of the results of the largest operation ever organised in the EU were: more than 1000 arrests, the seizure of two tonnes of drugs, one million euros confiscated and 30 children saved from trafficking. But this operation was only one of the many investigations that Europol staff support on a daily basis. 605 245 operational messages were exchanged through the SIENA system - an average of 1681 messages per day. The new Europol Review showcases the largest operations that took place and the new crime trends. It also covers recent developments within the organisation such as the finalisation of 'Europe's most wanted' project.



    • Report
    • Europol in Brief / Europol Review
  • Report