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Cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to make money at your expense. Individuals and organisations often fall prey to frauds that involve various forms of social engineering techniques, where the information required is garnered from a person rather than breaking into a system.<\/p>
These scams are typical examples of how cyber attackers can easily play on people\u2019s psychology and perceptions. The tips provided here are aimed to help you protect yourself. Awareness is your best defence! <\/p>
General tips:<\/p>
EU:<\/strong> Austria - DE<\/a> | Belgium - FR<\/a> NL<\/a> | Bulgaria - BG<\/a> | Cyprus - EL<\/a> | Croatia - HR<\/a> | Czech Republic - CS<\/a> | Germany - DE<\/a> | Denmark - DA<\/a> | Estonia - ET<\/a> | Finland - FI<\/a> | France - FR<\/a> | Greece - EL<\/a> | Hungary - HU<\/a> | Ireland - EN<\/a> | Italy - IT<\/a> | Latvia - LV<\/a> | Lithuania - LT<\/a> | Luxemburg - LU<\/a> DE<\/a> FR<\/a> | Malta - MT<\/a> EN<\/a> | Netherlands - NL<\/a> | Poland - PL<\/a> | Portugal - PT<\/a> | Romania - RO<\/a> | Slovenia - SL<\/a> | Slovakia - SK<\/a> | Spain - ES<\/a> | Sweden - SV<\/a> | United Kingdom - EN<\/a> CEO\/Business Email Compromise (BEC) fraud occurs when an employee authorised to make payments is tricked into paying a fake invoice or making an unauthorised transfer out of the business account.<\/p> The method is based on an employee\u2019s eagerness to quickly carry out tasks when they are specifically requested to do so by senior management. The fraudsters appear to have considerable knowledge about the organisation and the emails appear very convincing.<\/p>
Non-EU: <\/strong>Colombia - ES<\/a> | Liechtenstein - DE<\/a> | Norway - NO<\/a> | Switzerland - DE<\/a> FR<\/a> IT<\/a> | United Kingdom - EN<\/a><\/p><\/div>SO HOW CAN THEY TRICK YOU?<\/strong><\/h2>
1.They pretend to be your CEO<\/h2>
How does it work?<\/h3>
What are the warning signs?<\/h3>